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EZ Test for Benzo

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  • £4.99
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EZ Test for Benzo

EZ Test kit Benzo tests for the presence of Valium / Diazepam, Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam), Nitrazepam and Flurazepam.

Benzodiazepines are prescription drugs, commonly prescribed for the treatment of anxieties, insomnia, panic attacks and alcohol withdrawal. The internet has made it possible for people to illegally buy these medicines, making benzo’s among the most commonly abused substances. As a result the illegal market is flooded with fakes and imitations, sometimes with other substances and often with no actives substances present at all. EZ Test for Benzos gives you a quick way to identify and distinguish several benzodiazepines, especially Valium and Rohypnol (Roofie’s, the date rape drug : remember The hangover?).
All EZ tests use a chemical reagent absorbed in silica gel, which is held inside a glass ampoule.

When a sample is added to these chemicals inside the ampoule if a reaction occurs a colour change will take place. This colour should be compared to the colour chart included on the instructions within the package, to give an indication as what could be in the sample.
Available online or for collection from our retail head shop / warehouse in Harrow, North West London, Middlesex UK
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